Inves Spectrum +  

Investronica Sistemas, S.A. (Spain)
1986 December 1987
319 x 149 x 38 mm.
Zilog Z80A @ 3,5 Mhz. 8 bits
ALU (Arithmetic Logical Unit) Texas Instruments
ROM 16 Kb. BASIC and Operative System inclusive
RAM 48 Kb.
ALU Texas Instruments
32 x 24 Texto
256 x 192 Gráficos
8 colors with two brightness
ALU Texas Instruments. One voice, speaker built-in
45 keys membrane type. Very bad
optionally Microdrives
Cassette, television, joystick and terminal connector
ZX Interface 1, ZX Interface 2, ZX Microdrive, ZX Printer.
19.900 Ptas. / 119,60 Euros 1.986 December
Distributed in Spain by Investrónica S.A.